To provide access to higher education for students in socially and economically under privileged of the society to develop as intellectually alive and socially responsible citizens.


We strive to seek to create a nurturing ground for learners’ holistic development as an initiative to make an effective contribution to the society.


1. To provide affordable and inclusive education to all sections of society
2. To conduct teaching-learning programs that urge in learners inquiry, research, problem solving skills.
3. To encourage students to ethical values, empathy and rational thinking
4. To build the spirit of sportsmanship, leadership and team building in learners.
5. To act as mediator in capacity building of learners and the teaching fraternity
6. To educate and aware students towards the principles of equality, fraternity and liberty
7. To support learners in their career building
8. To collaborate locally and globally with educational institutions, research centers, organizations
to develop academic and research activities and facilitate internships and recruitment opportunities.